Take Action & Be Prepared

This site offers steps to ensure readiness in advance of an emergency as well as resources and points of contact to get you the help you need in an emergency situation. GDIT applications and other resources for staying connected and productive are also provided. Employees are encouraged to download the GDIT Emergency Response Digital Contact Card with emergency contacts and guidance directly to their mobile devices.

Start Preparing Today

  1. Get the The Loop. Provides a robust collection of business apps to arm you with greater levels of flexibility and convenience. Also enables you to stay connected and productive in an emergency.
  2. Update your contact information in Workday. Update your information on a quarterly basis and maintain team roster and manager contact information.
  3. Download the GDIT Emergency Response Digital Contact Card to your mobile device for key phone numbers, resources, and information. If viewing this page on a mobile device, tap on this link to save the card to your contacts app. If viewing on your computer, scan the QR code below with your mobile phone and follow the instructions to save the contact card to your contacts app. QR Code GDIT Emergency Response Digital Contact Card

What To Do In A Crisis

  • Get to a safe location quickly.
  • Dial your local emergency number (e.g., 911 in U.S.).
  • Do not stop to retrieve personal items or make calls.
  • We want to account for the safety of our employees in affected areas. Contact your manager as soon as reasonably possible to report your status. If you can’t reach your manager, contact the emergency response email at emergencyresponse@GDIT.com.
  • Follow directions from emergency responders and GDIT crisis response communications and personnel.

National Resources

Global Resources

For employees traveling outside the US during an emergency, the GDIT Global Response Center provides 24/7 medical and security assistance, including referrals for emergency medical services, emergency medical evacuations, loss of property or travel documentation, 1-866-319-1115, help@globalresponsecenter.com

GDIT Resources

Key Contacts/Key Apps

Stay Connected and Productive

If an outage or other event prevents you from traveling to your workplace or accessing GDIT networks, you can access GDIT applications to stay productive. All business applications (Webmail, Workday, Unanet, etc.) can be accessed from a mobile device, whether enrolled in The Loop or not, as well as a non-GDIT laptop:

  1. Open a web browser on a mobile device / non-GDIT computer.
  2. Go to My Apps.
  3. You will be required to authenticate using your GDIT login credentials (ID and password).

Connect to a Satellite with your iPhone

With iPhone 14 or later, you can connect your iPhone to a satellite to text emergency services, request roadside assistance, message friends and family, and share your location — all while you're off the grid with no cellular and Wi-Fi coverage.

Looking for a specific resource? Have suggestions for what you would like to see? Contact us with feedback at emergencyResponse@GDIT.com.