Grasslands separated by a stream
Grasslands separated by a stream

Think I'm okay but maybe not.

  • If there’s some uncertainty surrounding your “okay-ness,” call your Employee Assistance Program and have a confidential conversation with one of their professionals. A quick check-in can help you confirm that all is well or perhaps shine light on an area of concern that should be addressed.
  • Carve out some “me time” for doing the things you enjoy. Self-care is essential.
  • Check in with a health coach. If you think you’re on the right track, a health coach can help you confirm. Set up an appointment and discuss your goals and daily habits with a coach. They will provide feedback and perhaps a plan to help you stay the course.
  • Check with your primary care physician (PCP) to make sure you’re addressing all of your preventative health care recommendations as well as your mental well-being.
  • Stay positive by finding balance between positive and negative emotions. Staying positive doesn't mean that you never feel negative emotions, such as sadness or anger. But you don't want those emotions to take over.
  • Practice gratitude by being thankful for the good things in your life. It's helpful to do this every day. These can be big things, such as the support you have from loved ones, or little things, such as enjoying a nice meal. Practicing gratitude can help you to see your life differently.
  • Once you’ve created a plan for devoting time to yourself, consider those around you. Helping others isn't just good for the people you're helping; it's good for you too. Helping someone can help with your self-esteem and make you feel good about your place in the world. Feeling as though you're part of a community is an important part of your mental health.
  • Take a look at guidelines on the “I am okay” page to ensure that your lifestyle is in tune with them.