windmills and solar panels with blue skies
windmills and solar panels with blue skies

Civil, Data and Analytics, Environment, High-Performance Computing 31 MIN Listen

Tackling Climate Change at Scale: A Conversation With the Department of Energy CIO

December 20th, 2021


The Buzz with ACT-IAC

GDIT’s Darby Bade, vice president for EPA programs and climate change growth initiatives, joined Department of Energy’s Ann Dunkin, chief information officer, in a fireside chat during ACT-IAC’s Imagine Nation ELC conference.

Together, they discuss the enormity of the climate change challenge and the solutions needed at-scale to make an impact.

“Across the federal government, we are seeing more and more of a focus on goals that represent a convergence of IT and the environment,” Darby said. “We’ve been talking about green IT for a long time... [today] agencies are looking at agency technology infrastructure and how they can green it.”

Climate change is the most pressing problem that we have. And if we don’t solve that problem, solving any of the other problems that we have doesn’t really matter. We’re looking to scale up clean renewable power… [to] create a clean energy future for the country.

Ann Dunkin

Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Energy

It��s exciting to see how technology enables agencies to operate even more sustainably and discover new way to tackle climate change. Learn more about GDIT’s environment and climate change capabilities at

Listen to the entire fireside chat on The Buzz with ACT-IAC in the podcast below: