
Faith in the Workplace

Faith and hope at work

The Faith and HOPE (Honesty. Optimism. Prayer. Encouragement.) community is a little different than other Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), and it’s not something you may find at other companies. Not set to a particular faith, the group includes Muslims, Catholics, Christians, Buddhists, and others who don’t have a particular religion but believe in a higher power. Vice President of Security and 23-year GDIT employee, Lisa Reidy serves as the executive sponsor for Faith and HOPE.

“It is meant to be a source of hope. That there is something out there that is stronger and bigger than all of us and you can feel cared for,” Lisa shares. “We have a prayer team. It's a small group of people who keep the prayer request private, but it's so comforting to know your coworkers are willing to pray for you.”

Lisa’s initial attraction to Faith and HOPE came from her individual strong faith. As a Sunday school teacher, she is very involved in her church and believes her involvement with the ERG was truly meant to be.

“I want to make sure that with anything I deeply believe in that I reflect it in my actions. I knew that I wanted to be a part of the Faith and HOPE ERG to make sure that I’m seen at work as someone having values.”

Praying alongside social injustice

During the social uprising in 2020, an employee who was part of both the Faith and HOPE and Black Employee Network ERGs brought the idea forward to host a joint prayer vigil. The idea was immediately embraced by Faith and HOPE. Lisa attended the event and saw it was well received by both communities.

“There was a feeling of connection, a feeling of I’m going to stand with you, and I think that it was a great event for all to know how valued they are. As we stand with other ERGs and other ones stand with us, it’s knowing that we support you, we respect you, and we’re here for you. No one is in this alone.”

Lisa has seen the power in coming together in the workplace. “It makes people know that it’s more than just a workplace that you go to 9-to-5, do your job, and leave. That your workplace cares about you in the sense that it wants to ensure that you feel true connections. That's how it is here at GDIT”.

23 years of feeling respected and valued

When GDIT recently relaunched its brand, it was important to build messaging around what mattered to employees. With the relaunch, Lisa was impressed with the commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging.

“One of my best days was when we relaunched the GDIT brand. The saying of 30,000 everyday heroes stressed that we all mattered. From our senior leadership all the way down, it’s been made very clear that this is a company where people are going to feel welcomed.”

Over the 23 years Lisa has been with the company she has always felt respected and included.

“It’s more than just a job. It is ultimately something that I’m proud of. I wouldn’t work for a place that I don’t have that pride in, or I feel that they mistreat people. For any candidates who are looking to join GDIT, I think the most important thing is we can say we have a diverse, inclusive culture and you will feel this in your everyday experiences.”